Volume 2, Number 1 January Winter 2007

“The Existence of God”

(Part )


“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24)




Any God called preacher should feel so woefully inadequate when he speaks on any given subject from the “word of God” (Heb. 4:12). But, especially does he feel inadequate when he, as a mere mortal man, attempts to speak about the immortal God Himself. It can be somewhat compared to the clay speaking of the potter that formed it, the finite speaking of the infinite, the corruptible speaking of the incorruptible, the earthy speaking of the heavenly, the physical speaking of the spiritual, and the sinful speaking of the sinless. 

Every “doctrine” (II Tim. 3:16) that we believe is based on the “Holy Scriptures” (II Tim. 3:15) and is most definitely God related. Therefore, we need to know what God’s “word” teaches us about the One and Only Triune Sovereign Holy “God”. Our deepest understanding about “God” will only be a small glimpse at its very best. “God” has no fixed form as we mortals have because He “is a “Spirit”. This means that He is not limited to physical arms, legs, hands, and feet like we are limited. Oftentimes, we speak of “God” in physical terms, but He “is a Spirit” and the only way to “worship him” is “in spirit and in truth”. The word “Spirit” is used to denote an immaterial and intelligent being. Since “God is a Spirit”, He cannot be properly depicted in any image outside of the Person of “his only begotten Son” (Jh. 3:16), the Lord Jesus Christ. To see Jesus Christ is to see God (Jh. 14:9). Artist may try to capture some concept of the GodMan, but it’s only a feeble expression at best. 




Creation itself attest to the fact that there is a God Who established order in the universe (Ps. 19:1). If there is design and order, there must be a DESIGNER. To have a clock, there must be a clockmaker. To have an automobile, there must be a manufacturer. To have a meal, there must be a cook. In order for something to exist, there had to be a greater power to bring nothing into existence. The very existence of a created order tells us that there has to be cause for every effect. The existence of creation says that something had to bring it into being. It’s just as reasonable to believe that an explosion in a print shop produced an encyclopedia as it is to believe that an explosion of matter could produce an orderly universe. That SOMETHING that has caused the universe to exist is no other than Almighty “God”. God’s existence is so real that no effort is made in the Bible to even prove it. The Bible begins by simply announcing the fact of God’s existence (Gen. 1:1). Anyone who denies God’s existence is classified as a “fool” (Ps. 14:1).

Not only is creation in general a proof of God, but the creation of “man” in particular (Gen. 1:26-27). Man’s physical body is made up of chemicals from the earth, but in essence, “man” is much more than that. He was made a triune being (body, soul, and spirit) patterned after the very Triune “image” of “God” (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Man was made a rational being and given “dominion” over all God’s creation. Since “God” created man in His “own image” and we are persons, then we must rightfully conclude that “God” is a definite Person. Because “God” created “man”, there is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every person that only “God” can fill through Jesus Christ. Unless “God” reveals Himself to sinful man, then man when left to himself can never know “God” (Gen. 3:9). A revelation and knowledge of “God” is dependent upon God alone! 


The Revelation of God


God has revealed Himself through “creation” (Rom. 1:19-20). Scripture teaches that God has revealed enough of Himself through “creation” so that man is able to discover the existence of Him. For that reason mankind is “without excuse” for not recognizing how the invisible God is revealed through the visible means of “creation”.

God has also revealed Himself through “conscience” (Rom. 2:14-15). Within the “heart” of man, God has placed a God consciousness. Man’s “conscience” is what gives him an ethical code of what is right and wrong. It’s an inborn awareness that without God, one’s life is void and empty. The truth of the matter is that one’s “conscience” cannot be trusted unless it is under the control of the Holy Spirit. 

God has revealed Himself in the greatest of all ways through “Christ” (Heb. 1:1-2). In the Old Testament, God used visions, dreams, events, and direct communication to reveal His message “by the prophets”. But, in the New Testament, He has “spoken unto us by His Son”, Who is a complete fulfillment of the Old Testament promises (Matt. 5:17). “Christ” is declared to not only be “heir of all things”, but the very God Who “made … all things”. The Creator Himself stepped out of the pages of history and presented Himself as the One and Only Savior of sinners.


The Eternality of God


“God” had no beginning and neither will He have an end (Ps. 90:2). “God” is an Eternal Being Who came from nowhere into no place and created the universe out of nothing. We sometimes think of a future that has no end and the eternal splendor of a glorious heaven. But, it’s difficult for us to imagine a past that had no beginning. 

“God” doesn’t depend upon anything or anyone for His existence, but instead, all things are dependent upon Him (Jh. 5:26). There is only “one God” (Jam. 2:19), but He has chosen to manifest Himself in “three” Persons (I Jh. 5:7). In the Old Testament, one of the Hebrew words for “God” is Elohim, which is plural in number. This signifies for us the Trinity and is used with various other words to describe God’s characteristics, such as: El Shaddai meaning God Almighty, El Elyon meaning Most High God, El Olam meaning Everlasting God, El Roi meaning God Who Sees Me. Another distinctive Old Testament name for God is Yahweh that means, “I AM” (Ex. 3:14). This name points us to His eternal existence and reminds us that He is the very source of all things that exists. 


The Attributes of God


“God” is OMNISCIENT (Ps. 139:2-4). This means that God is all knowing and that nothing escapes His knowledge. He not only knows us by name, but the number of “hairs” upon our head (Matt. 10:30).

“God” is OMNIPRESENT (Ps. 139:7-8). This means that God is in all places at the same time. There is no place that one can go where God is not present.

“God is OMNIPOTENT (Matt. 19:26, 28:18). This word simply means that God is allpowerful and that there is nothing He cannot do. He is so powerful that all He has to do is speak and by the breath of His mouth it will be so (Mk. 4:39).  

The characteristics of “God” are many and only a few can be mentioned in our limited space of “study” (II Tim. 2:15). He is Truth, Perfect, Holy, Righteous, Just, Wise, Gracious, Merciful, Loving, Kind, Understanding, and Patient. He is Immutable (changeless) in every way (in nature, in life, in will, and in character). He is always the “same yesterday, and today, and for ever” (Heb. 13:8). He is absolutely SOVEREIGN in ALL things and does “according to the good pleasure of His will” (Eph. 1:5).

No greater subject can occupy the mind of man than the “study” of the One and Only true Sovereign “God” and man’s personal relationship with Him. An awareness of God’s sovereignty is crucial to our human understanding of “God”. God is either SOVEREIGN in all things or else He is not God! His sovereignty is ultimate and complete over His entire creation, even over His redemptive plan of “salvation” (Jonah 2:9) for lost sinners. Unless God grants to the sinner, “repentance” (Acts 5:31) and “faith” (Gal. 5:22), then there will be no turning from sin and evidence of genuine belief. What a privilege for God to chose (Eph. 1:2-14) an unworthy sinner in whom to do a work of “GRACE” and give faith to believe not only in His existence, but in His redemptive plan of saving His “elect” (I Pet. 1:2). 

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